Rest easy knowing that every connection to Chattrik servers is fortified with a robust 256-bit SSL protocol. This encryption applies to both agents using the application and customers engaging through the chat widget on your website.
Opt out of processing payment details through Chattrik by preventing credit card numbers from appearing in the application.
Chattrik recognizes when a customer inputs their credit card number and conceals it. For identification purposes, only the final digits are visible.
Enhance security by allowing access to the Chattrik app only from secure devices. Limit account logins to specified IP addresses, ensuring your team accesses Chattrik securely.
Empower your agents to efficiently handle disruptive visitors by prohibiting them from initiating chats on your website with Chattrik.
Say goodbye to the hassle of remembering another password. Access Chattrik effortlessly by logging in with your Google account.
Ensure a secure login process for your agents. In addition to their credentials, they must enter a unique code sent by Google when logging in to Chattrik.
We adhere to industry-leading security practices to meet the highest standards of compliance.
Supercharge your website and social media profiles. Turn online visits into sales and customers into fans!